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Ten Top Rule Changes for 2009 Season

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All Racers:
We are working on the updated rules, but here is some of the major changes:

1. Full leathers required if you run over 135 MPH, Improved Stock 1000 class exempt for now.
This does not change any existing rules for leathers in the existing rules. Kevlar allowed as substitute.

2. We will add a Four Stroke Stock class for the Factory Turbo Four Strokes. All Stock Class Rules Apply.

3. 13.5 and 14 inch Camoplast speed tracks allowed in Stock and Improved Stock Classes. Track must be commercially available.

4. Small fuel cells allowed in Improved Stock and Super Stock Classes now. Stock Tank must remain, and be cut out so that tank is clearly visible.
Also, Any Manufacturer OEM suspension allowed in Improved Stock 1000 class for 2009. All other Improved Stock classes will run OEM for the Sled.

5. Super Twin Lake Racer Class will be reduced from 750 lbs to 700 lbs.

6. Electronic Control Module allowed on factory Fuel Injected sleds in Stock Class.

7. Stock Airboxes required to remain in Stock Classes, not to be removed or altered in anyway. Same as 2008.

8. We are adding a "Junior Pro Sled" Class. This class will be for 8 to 12 year olds to compete on Full body sleds or open mod chassis.
It will be limited to 75 mph and will run under the Dial In rules. Exceeding 75 mph will result in DQ for the run. Two DQ's at one event
will result in Being DQ'd for that entire event. Engines are limited to 500 CC fans. Tracks must be stock or 0.5 inch lug speed tracks.
All safety rules will apply. All Drivers will require a parent to be present for the race along with signed waiver. This should be fun and a good
training ground for future racers. This class is a result of a lot of converstations with parents of youngsters who want to do more than race the Kitty Kat's so
to speak. You will be required to gear or limit the throttle for the reduced speed on this class.

9. Race Director will be allowed to compete at events, if desired to do so.

10. Lake Racer All Motor to be lowered to 700 lbs, from the 750 lbs it was in 2008.

Also, check your helmets, 2009 requires SN 2000 or better. This is ISR and NHRA for 2009.

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You are correct. Delete this response.

Actually not to be confused with Lake Racer Class which would still be 750 lbs for the 1250.

In Lake Racer All Motor which is a new class we did last year, the minimum is 700 lbs period and it is a triple class.

Sorry for the incorrect response.


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I am reworking the driver profiles. I have been for the last week or so. The old website had a "theme" to design all the pages, and when i converted to this design i deleted the old theme. So i have some work cut out for me.


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Pro 700, give me a call. Rule number 10 actually applies to Lake Racer All Motor and the minimum weight is 700 lbs regardless of motor and it is a triple class. Your quote was actually a question on the Lake Racer class and it has not changed and 750 lbs still applies.
The 1000 class had aftermarket cylinders and the Prostock 800 is now allowed. There are a lot of them out there and I have been getting a lot of questions about them.

Both ProLine and Crankshop have tube and billet bulkheads for the Pro Stock Class now. They have asked that I allow these for the bigger cc's. I threw this out there to see if there was any interest. Let me know your thoughts. I don't see a performance advantage on the Ice, but it would open the class up for those who build them.


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We have 3 "stock" Four Stroke classes.
All Stock rules apply
Weights will need to be met at scale, filed weight and 200 lbs.

1. Stock 4 cylinder, no turbo
2. Stock 3 cylinder, no turbo
3. Stock any cylinder with factory turbo.

The are strictly four stroke classes for stock

We do have Improved Stock and Pro Stock four Stroke classes, see rules.
There is only one class each for these irregardless of cylinders at this time.
From what I've seen on the dyno reports, the turbo works with cc's and not necassarily with the number of cylinders.

Let me know if I understood your questions.

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I think its a good idea to allow tube and billet bulkheads in the 1000 prostock class, but there my need to be some wording defining "The Bulkhead" I would hate to see someone show up with a tube chassis and tell you, My bulkhead is long, it runs to the back of the sled.
I need clarification on the aftermarket cylinders, does this mean that any cylinder manufactured for snowmobile use would be legal in the 1000 and 800 prostock class.

Jim B.

Bulkhead is clearly defined in Pro Stock. It is where the tunnel meets the front frame.
Aftermarket cylinders is yes.



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