Getting a lot of calls on this. Watch the website for more information.
We are checking the ice today and should have a better idea of how things are going.
We won't know for sure until I talk to the Sheriffs Office on Monday, as they are holding the permit until I report in.
Weather has been good, and it is good we haven't got a bunch of snow to insulate the ice. Would have like to seen it even colder, but this was even tough to get used to.
Permits have been obtained for Hackensack on birch lake for next weekend and we are getting new permits for Annandale on February 18th from both the DNR and Sheriff's office.
There are options, so keep watching the website.
We may still need four wheelers and trailers to help move equipment, so let me know on that.
Ice on Forest Lake as of this morning is only 11 to 12 inches in about 10 holes that I drilled.
While it is good black ice, this is not enough to count on holding a race.
Original plan was to park a lot of rigs next to the shore on the ice and then use the parking lot for others.
The parking lot has quite a bit of use and we are not going to get a lot of rigs close to the access.
Also, the 11 inches is right out in front of the access, so I would say that using the shoreline is not a good option.
We basically only gained 2 to 3 inches with the cold burst, and with the upcoming weather we will be lucky to gain an inch if it is at the same rate.
I am sure the sheriff will say that it is a no go, and I would have to agree with him.
Options are to move race North to Hackensack for next weekend the 28th of January,
Otherwise, we will look at doing 3 races in February on the 11th, 18th, and 25th.
I am leaning toward the second option.
With that, we would move the February 11th race back to Forest Lake if I can get the City to bless the date change.
When I checked a couple of weeks ago, there was no confilct with other events, so it may work.
February 18th would then be back on Pleasant lake in Annandale, Minnesota.
We will lose our announcer for that race, so need to look at options.
Appreciate any input others may have.
I am checking with crew on status for the February 18th race.