Just a bit of FYI on the Pro TRack and the timing system.
The Reliable Racing System is one of the original systems that was bought by NSSR years ago, and we have two complete systems.
These systems are basically not produced by them at this time and it is a company out of New York.
They are however top of the line in photocell timing and do calculations based on the 132 foot system at the end of the 1000 foot mark.
So, the way this works is the calculations are done in the computer and are displayed in the trailer directly from the timers.
The speed once calculated is then sent out to the display board for public viewing.
Hence, the display board for the existing system is secondary to the system and actual speed.
This is what the announcer is watching and announcing over.
There are times when the old display board is not in sink with the actual computer as it is the old flip number system and can act up in cold weather, such as the time in January in Forest Lake.
NSSR will continue to go by the computer in the warm trailer, as that is the verified actual speed.
As a result of a recent concern, we will work to make sure the announcer is corrected when this potentially happens. As far as I know it usually works or doesn't on the display, but in 11 years, it did happen in Forest Lake.
Good news on this is that we are testing a prototype system from Race America out of California developed in conjunction with NSSR which is a digital display and uses the 132 foot NHRA calculation compared to what we have now on the Pro Track. Our plan is to use this on the Pro Track next year in 2019. The investment of $10,000 in this new system is exciting for the future and will provide more reliability to remedy these circumstances. That being said, it is electronics, so I am sure it may have a challenge here or there also.
Thanks for your understanding on this and looking to the future with some new technology and improvements!
Ron and Stacy and Crew