Longest Wienie Roas...
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Longest Wienie Roast, Cable, Wi - March 2 Sat is on!

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Some good option for racing this weekend with both the Crane Lake Race and the Longest Wienie Roast!

Longest Wienie Roast Race is set for Saturday March 2nd, see schedule below. This is not an NSSR event, but we will be there to assist in Tech.

Just off the phone with PC at the Lakewoods. He has confirmed that Frank Neuman will be over tomorrow to shave the track and it is in good condition. The water in the shoreline bay is only in that area and not out in the Race Area. Should be good to go and he is adding Four Stoke Classes to his line up. I will be there to assist in Tech with PC.

See http://www.lakewoodsresort.com for more information, or call 715.794.2561

World's Longest Weenie Roast
Hosted by Lakewoods Resort - Cable, Wisconsin
Saturday, March 2, 2013 (Held Annually the First Weekend in March)

Benefits Local Emergency Services including the Great Divide Ambulance Service, the Namakagon Volunteer Fire Department and First Responders among others.

Known throughout the region as the most fun on ice, thousands of weenie enthusiasts come to Lake Namakagon for this fantastic event. Held to raise funds for the Great Divide Ambulance Service, the Namakagon Volunteer Fire Department and other area charities and not-for-profits, this event holds the record for the longest line of hot dog cookers over one fire in the world. With events like snowmobile speed runs, ice bowling, outlaw drags and the frozen weenie polar bear plunge into Lake Namakagon, there is more than enough fun for everyone.


If you're interested in finding more about this year's event call us at 1-800-255-5937

Schedule of Events
9:00 am -- Speed Run & Outlaw Drag Registration Begins

10:00 - 2:30 pm -- Speed Runs - Prizes! Cash prizes for Top Speed of the Day PLUS Top Stock Speed of the Day. Winner in all classes entered to win special cash drawings!


STOCK: 440 Fan, 440 Liquid, 500 (No Restrictions), 600 Single Exhaust, 600 (No Restrictions), 700 Single Exhaust, 700 (No Restrictions), 800 Single Exhaust, 800 (No Restrictions), 801+, & Stock Turbo

IMPROVED STOCK: 440, 500, 600, 700, 800, 1100, & Imp Stock 4 stroke/Pro-max

OPEN MOD: 440, 500, 600, 700, 800, & 1000

SPECIALTY: Pro-Stock, Super Stock, & Top Speed of the Day

10:30 am -- Lakewoods Ice Bar & Grill

Serving Hamburgers, Chili, Snacks, & Beverages

11:00 am -- Weenie Grab Race

11:30 am - 2:00 pm -- Klement's Sausage Weenie Roast

Sponsored by: Klement's Sausages

Noon -- Track Maintenance

3:00 pm - Dusk -- "Hot Doggin' It" Outlaw Drags (for additional information see below)

6:30 pm -- Speed Run Awards

8:00 pm - 1:00 am -- Entertainment

Lakewoods Buck's Bar

9:00 - 11:00 pm -- Poker Run Cards Drawn

Lakewoods Lobby

11:00 pm -- Poker Run Prizes Awarded

Outlaw Drag Races
For the 2012 Drag Races held in the afternoon. We again need you to sign up as early as possible for the races so we can set up the brackets and be prepared for the event. We allow you to pick your first match up to settle any ongoing disputes, season long grudges, or just to beat up on your best friend. After the first series, we go through the brackets until the winner shines.

We do have Tech's available this year to check sleds for appropriate classes. We prefer you police yourself to make sure you're in the correct class.

This year we are further segregating the classes for the enjoyment of all racers.

(1.) 1,000 cc and under - naturally aspirated (improved stock/prostock rules)

(2.) 1,001 cc and over - naturally aspirated (improved stock/prostock rules)

(3.) Pro Stock Lake Racer - Any power adder allowed. Must be factory production sled with original appearance. (Pro-mods/Open Mods go into Pro Outlaw)

(4.) Pro Outlaw - The "Run what you Brung" class Whatever goes. Hope it's good enough for the win!

These classes may change depending on number of entries we have. Remember: sign up early so we can be organized for the event. While we have always accommodated late entries in the past, it causes a great deal of additional work and confusion for the organizers. Help us out. Register early.

We are still hoping for a sponsor to come through on a cash purse to share for the Drag Races... If you know someone, have them contact me (PC Rasmussen). We'll give this format a try this year and re-examine things again for next. We try to adjust to suite both the racers out there and the volunteers who help make it a great day for all involved.


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