Imp 440 build for 2...
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Imp 440 build for 2016 season

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After seeing the other build on here I figured I might as well post what we have going for this season. Along with Ken Norman we are building a 98 MXZX 440 improver. I know many on here like to keep their sled projects a secret and to kind of come out swinging at the first event. I guess that is not my intent here, I am looking to help grow the sport and if my little project helps someone else along then great. Like anyone else running NSSR we are shooting to surpass the current world record of 106.142. Like most other racers we too have a few "go to people" that we seek advice or help with obtaining parts, those will remain our little secret for now.

The sled started out as a beat up ex race sled. Picked it up in Buffalo for $450 and started to make things happen. The chassis was surprisingly straight believe it or not. First thing I did was pull the original engine and sold it with the primary clutch and carbs to a gentleman in NY for $650. I had a crank and ported case that I had purchased awhile back that we were intending to use, however after walking haydays all day Saturday I found a fairly nice ported case with crank from UFO racing (charged me $60- :) Score). Spent a lot of time talking and catching up there. For the top end I had found a couple cylinders and head (stock yet) for $60 shipped on ebay. Nobody else bid against me. LOL I also found a couple new pistons on ebay for $30 each, they were new but not in the box. Big deal. Score.

On the track I ended up finding from a gentleman up in Isanti that had originally picked it up from Eric Reid. Full picks in a 9811 track for $200. Also came with a wheeled shop table and a warmup stand. Another huge score. So at this point I have about $300 into the sled.

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The sled has been coming along great and the cylinder work and pipes will be coming up within the next couple weeks. The suspension is 100% complete and the lube system is installed on the rails, we just need to see where we will put the lube tank. We opted to go with an extra Polaris primary that Kenny had on the shelf along with a roller secondary (might be a surprise there ).

This sled is going to be a learning curve no matter what and we are anxious to see what our collective efforts bring to the table. There are a few people that have been instrumental in helping us with the engine and pipes combo and for their help we are forever grateful. The pipes have to have silencers installed yet and I would like to have them exit the stock location so there is some fab work left there. The picture with the pipes was before the sled was fully washed inside and out so don't worry about how dirty it is.

Our driver this year will be Kimberly Norman, she is ready to tackle whatever this sled can throw her way and she is the right person for the job.

I will report more as time goes on

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We have smoke. Just need to get out on some ice to do some testing. Click the video below

[facebookvideo]698613630239100, 600, 400[/facebookvideo]


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