It looks like we are getting closer on the 2008 schedule with:
McGregor hosted by the Eagle Point Lounge is the tenative location for Saturday, January 19th. They are excited to have CMSA back again and we will be looking at additional sponsors in this area. We are hoping to do the first one in the North to try to have good ice in January.
Forest Lake being the tenative location for Sunday, Feb. 3rd, and we are discussing a Saturday fun run to be done by others on Saturday using CMSA timing equipment - stay tuned on this. This could be a test day for the regular CMSA racer if you are not running at Rush Lake. Also looking into double points on Sunday, early registration on Saturday with trailer drop off, security patrol on Saturday Night, discounts on meals and Hotels on Saturday. Also, looking at additional prize money in some classes to be done by Sponsors. Stay Tuned.
I am going to work on finalize Annandale as the Saturday, February 23rd race.
Also working on a possible 4th race.
Super Bowl Kick off is 4:18 PM. Should work good together.
We always raced the Winterfest this weekend and it was absolutely the best turn out. Besides, I will take bets that the Vikings or Packers will be watching with us. Any Bets? Kelly, you coming? The Forest Laker will have a Super Bowl party for the racers and has a 10 foot screen! It should Rock.
You are always welcome!
We'll hope to see you at the others!
Happy Holidays!
Ron and Family