Forest Lake Race for January 25th is CANCELLED! We will look at a location to reschedule for February 8th at a location TBD if it works with the crew and permitting. Forest Lake is not available on the 8th since they are doing the polar plunge that same day.
Checked ice this AM and it is now 13.5 to 14 inches in the parking and starting line area. The ice a week ago in the same location was at 11 to 14 inches. With minimal snow on top and with the colder weather, it still only made 2 to 3 inches. That depth also includes the 3 to 4 inches of white frozen snow ice. We are not even close to the permit requirement of 18 inches and with the new snow, I don’t see us making 4 inches based on last week.
Our apologies for any inconveniences this creates.
Ron, Stacy, and Crew