For Immediate Release
NSSR Green Bay, WI News – February 10, 2018
“Battle On the Bay in Green Bay”
Exciting news as NSSR headed to a Super Event at Battle on the Bay at Green Bay, Wisconsin to race in conjunction with the ISR World Series of Drag Racing! National Straightline Snowmobile Racing held its third race of the NSSR 2018 Super Series at Green Bay, Wisconsin for the “Fastest Show on Ice”. Temperatures ranged from about 0 degrees F in the early morning to 18 degrees F in the afternoon with only a slight breeze from the West Southwest ranging from 5 to 10 mph during the day. The 1000 foot shaved ice track, 3500 feet shaved with shutdown, was aimed to the Southeast, so most of the racers experienced a crosswind for the most part. The race track was under Sunny skies holding for most of the day, with some clouds coming in for the afternoon.
NSSR worked with Race Promoter Chris Garrity of Wisconsin, Chris Riley of SuperSled Online, and Clint Holst of Northern Drag Race Series (NDRS) to create an Historic Event with both the NSSR Speed Run and the World Series of four wide drag racing performing at the same event and at the same time! This was a new plan that needed a lot of work to pull off, and it was a hit with Pro Drag Racers from Minnesota to Pennsylvania, Pro Speed Runners from North Dakota to Michigan and on to Illinois, Radar Runners from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan and over 2500 spectators. It was a gathering of the fastest guns in the West and East, including Canada. All came to race, see some new records in the 660 foot and 1000 foot mark, along witnessing one of the biggest charity Bikini Runs in Wisconsin, and it was a Battle on the Bay for Drag Racers and Speed Runners! Heck, even some of our Green Bay Packers fans squeezed in a tour of Lambeau field which was visible from the end of the race track! Look forward to see this event grow for 2019 to the premier snowmobile race in the Midwest!
Racer entries included nearly 50 entries on the Pro track and 110 on the Radar Run track making a great number of entries at 165 hot rods and close to 700 safe passes between the two shaved ice tracks. These snowmobile race enthusiasts are having a blast running their sleds, vintage rides, kid’s minis, and ATV’s on the Radar Run Track at NSSR.
It was great weather to get the spectators out to watch some fast passes on the ice and the track held up well for racing action until mid-afternoon. More important, the racers had a great time getting the sleds out and meeting up with fellow racers and spectators. The Radar Run track had some great hot rods including vintage sleds, many running near or above the 100 mph mark.
The running of the kid’s event brought out over a dozen future racers running kitty kats to mini mods at the noon hour. Thanks to Straightline Performance in sponsoring prizes and trophies for the kids to come out and run. They will be some of our future racers and they already have some great hot rods to learn on.
Our competitors continue to come from throughout the Midwest and included racers for North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan. NSSR is the only ISR Affiliated Speed Run organization where you can set World Records on the 1000 foot shaved ice competition. World Records in the Stock and Pro Classes were far and few between at this event and NSSR Racers posted only two World Records at this race.
Josh Dempsey of Spring Green, Wisconsin set a new World Record on his Ski Doo Formula Pro Stock 500 sled at 117.391 mph. Top Speed of the day honor and a new World Record in the TopGun class was captured by Flyin Ryan Ensor on the Warning Family/Hypersports Performance machine named Frozen Assests II, which ran an amazing 191.574 mph, 188.235 mph backup, in the 1000 foot mark! History was made again and in Green Bay, Wisconsin this time. If you remember, Flyin Ryan ran two runs in Forest Lake at 188 plus mph to win TopGun and to set a new World record just two weeks ago. The goal with this hot rod was to top the 190.308 mph record set by the infamous Marv Jorgenson in International Falls back in 1989, with that record being on a three engine machine named Jaws 3 and in 1320 feet or the quarter mile. Well folks, they are now moving on to bump their own record now and work to the 195 mph mark! Keep an eye on this sled as they will tune to bump this number up in our upcoming events, and especially in Chetek, WI in two weeks.
All records require a run within 2% to back up their World Record run and over 3000 fans and race supporters were on hand to witness the racing throughout the day!
This NSSR Super Series event in Green Bay was hosted by the Brush Eaters LLC Snowmobile Club, Bayside Motorsports of Green Bay, the Americinn in West Green Bay, The Comfort Suites, and the Watering Hole Sports Bar along with numerous other local sponsors. Also, a big thanks to the City of Howard for its support of the race and access to the Battle on the Bay, the City of Howard Police Department, the Brown County Sheriff’s Office, and the Wisconsin DNR for their support and cooperation to make this event happen.
Ron and Stacy Bray of NSSR welcome you to our next event on Saturday, February 24th, 2018 in Chetek, Wisconsin as part of their Winterfest Celebration and the Outlaw Snow Drags, just another great event with drag race and speed run action. We would like to thank all our sponsors who make these races possible! See www.racenssr.com and facebook under National Straightline Snowmobile Racing for more information on results and upcoming events.